Salisbury Post | LOCAL NEWS | Education briefs (Salisbury Post)
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Windows anti-spyware to come free of charge (ZDNet India)
Ending speculation about whether it was shifting to a paid model, Microsoft said on Tuesday that it will provide customers with its new anti-spyware software for free.
WARNING: Joining the military is hazardous Stop military recruitment in our schools at the School Board meeting (San Francisco Bay View)
Military recruiters tour the country selling a dangerous product with glamorous ads, just like tobacco companies or drug pushers. The ads promise opportunity and adventure but don t believe the hype.
Movies (Mankato Free Press)
You are most likely using a browser that is not in compliance with Web standards. The Free Press is striving to adhere to Web standards which provide for backward and forward browser compatibility as well as accessibility for all people and devices.
Edward C. Baig: Personal Tech - A little of everything turns up at Demo showcase ( via Yahoo! News)
A little of everything turns up at Demo showcase.
U.S. seeks out vets in chemical tests (Detroit Free Press)
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced Thursday that it will begin mailing letters within two weeks to thousands of veterans and military workers exposed to toxic chemicals during World War II and will invite them to seek disability benefits. In addition, VA officials said, the agency will set up a hotline for veterans or their survivors to call if they were exposed to dangerous levels
Q&A / Stockholders (Montana Standard)
Q: Lee has historically focused on smaller market properties and bills itself as the premier publisher of daily newspapers in midsize markets. How does this acquisition, particularly St. Louis, fit your strategy?
Don't Vilify Drug Companies (CBS News)
Many Americans are giving U.S. drug companies a bad rap, says's Dick Meyer , who shares a few theories on how developers and purveyors of at times miraculous cures wound up in the national doghouse.
America's Senior Moment (New York Review of Books)
1. America in 2030 will be "a country whose collective population is older than that in Florida today." It will be in "desperate trouble" because the expense of caring for all those old people will cause a fiscal crisis.
BUILDER Online: Home Building News, Home Plans, Home Design Ideas and Building Products for Home Builders (Builder Online)
BUILDER Online provides home builders with home building news, home plans, home design ideas, and building product information, helping them manage their home building operations efficiently and profitably.