Business as Usual Online Amid New HIV Scare (Gay Wired)
(New York City, NY) — The New York Times is reporting that it was business as usual in online gay dating and hook-up sites over the weekend amid announcements and postings warning of a new drug-resistant, aggressive strain of HIV that has been diagnosed in the New York area.
New York City Health Officials Announce Detection of Rare Drug-Resistant HIV Strain, Issue Alert (Medical News Today)
New York City... Department of Health and Mental Hygiene officials on Friday at a news conference announced they have detected in a local patient a rare strain of HIV that is highly resistant to most antiretroviral drugs and causes a rapid onset of AIDS, the New York Times reports.
Gay community panic over new AIDS strain (
Tension mounted when U.S. public health officials admitted that an unidentified New York City man has been diagnosed with a new HIV strain that has so far not responded to any anti-AIDS drugs.
More African-Americans being diagnosed in the Carolinas (Myrtle Beach Online)
In Tonya Smith, you see the determination of a 41-year-old woman who has already lived in hell and clawed her way out.
Black AIDS awareness events stress honesty, testing (Athens News)
P oignant testimonies, frank discussions and free HIV testing kicked off National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in Athens Monday. The events launched a week full of activities designed to raise consciousness of the virus and deadly disease in the black community.
Taxi suspect's 'life was totally on track' (Chicago Sun-Times)
As friends could tell, Michael L. Jackson had hit a good stride in life. He was dating and had a good job with the city doing the work that mattered most to him -- helping people with AIDS.
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[ Features Index | Silicon Valley | Metroactive Home | Archives ] (Metro Santa Cruz)
From the February 9-15, 2005 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper. For more information about the San Jose/Silicon Valley area, visit
Rare Sexually Transmitted Disease Strikes 2 in N.Y. (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Two New Yorkers have been diagnosed with a rare sexually transmitted disease that is spreading among gay and bisexual men in Europe, the city health commissioner said on Wednesday.
News Briefs (Gay City News)
The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association this week joined the chorus of LGBT groups condemning the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) for refusing to broadcast an episode of a children’s show, “Postcards from Buster,” featuring a cartoon figure who interacts with two Vermont lesbian mothers.